Gorgeous handmade paper and printing from the mountains of Tennessee!

How to: Choose a Color Scheme

One look outside as the seasons change this Fall, and it becomes clear who the ultimate designer is-- mother nature! I mean, have you guys SEEN the ambers and ochers and rusts out there? Even Pantone is jealous.

Though it might be impossible to be quite as masterful at putting together colors as Fall itself, there are a few tips and tricks to help you get pretty close. We at PRESSED Paper have brainstormed a few helpful tips to have you choosing color schemes like a pro in no time.

wedding suite

wedding bouquet

handmade paper styling

handmade paper styled shoot



When you’re choosing a color palette for a suite, a room, or any other type of project you might be working on, the best way we’ve found to kickstart the process is to find a source of inspiration! For example, choose a piece of artwork you’re really vibing with, or a fabric that you can’t get out of your mind… or, if you’re like us, simply walk outside!

Use this as a starting point and build from there. If you’re working with a client, and they have a particular color in mind (say, for example, a bride that’s building her Fall wedding around a pretty olive green), use that color as your inspiration.

From there, choose a neutral to act as your foundation. This is the color that you’ll use the most, and it acts as a sort of binder for the other colors you’ll incorporate. For us, that’s often a white or a light grey!

Next, choose another neutral, opposite of the first. For example, if you chose white for your base neutral, go with charcoal for the second! Use this color in a smaller proportion, as an accent to make everything pop.

Finally, choose two other accent colors (this is where your non-neutral, R-O-Y-G-B-I-V colors would come in), and use them in a smaller proportion as well. This is where you can really get fun with it!

Think of it like a pie. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • 60% of the pie is the first neutral.
  • 10% of the pie is the second neutral.
  • 30% of the pie is divided between the last two colors.

Mind you, none of this is set in stone-- at all! Rather, it’s a formula that we’ve found to work in the past. Continuing with the pie metaphor, as long as 70% of your pie is neutral, you’re pretty much good to go! You don’t want to stuff it with too many unique types of berries, or your palette will be confused! (On that note, is anyone else craving a good apple pie?)

The main idea is that you don’t want too many stars in your palette. Choose a main focal point, and bring in supporting features as you see fit.

Now, as we’ve been waxing poetic about Fall throughout this post, we might as well share a fun little BTS with you all. Check out the video below for a look at our Petal paper process, and follow along to see how we breathe new life into bouquets of old!

handmade paper process


What’s your method for choosing a color scheme?  Sound off in the comments!

Big Hugs,