As any good (or even not so good) cook knows, the recipe for an unforgettable dish starts with the right ingredients. Although the following list won’t produce a mouthwatering meal or swoon-worthy dessert, if you put them together just right, you’ll end up with something even better. Limitless possibilities.
- Hard work.
- Perseverance.
- Skill.
- Imagination.
- Innovation.
- Inspiration.
- Magic.
Creating something beautiful takes all of these… and more. An artist sitting down in front of an empty canvas with a paintbrush in her hand is poised to create. An author facing an empty page with the mere kernel of an idea is poised to create. A dancer hearing the first strains of a beautiful piece of music is poised to create. A chef gathering fresh ingredients and spices is poised to create. And our Sharon, heading to her studio each morning filled with the excitement of the day, is poised to create. Each of these artists creates magic. And beauty. And inspiration. They use their skill and imagination. They innovate. They persevere.
At PRESSED paper + print, we take seriously all that goes into creating beautiful paper products that are true works of art. Custom, handmade paper of the highest quality takes attention to detail and complete dedication to producing a product that is second to none. But don’t think that means creating at PRESSED is only serious business. You only need to listen to Sharon talk about her process and her product to realize. Creating is joy. Creating is laughter. Creating is messy. It takes trial and error. Creating is the appreciation of beauty and the wonder of what can come from your own two hands.
Creating for Sharon means foraging in her fields for wildflowers to inspire a new color or her latest flower paper. Creating is the wonder and excitement in Sharon’s voice telling the team about this month’s limited edition as she describes the gorgeous deckle edges, the saturated colors, and the unmistakable sound of vellum crackling in the breeze. Creating is working tirelessly to develop the perfect color formula to match the exact shade a bride has her heart set on for her wedding suite. Yes, there is science in creativity.
What does it truly mean to create? defines it as “to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.” Although our products do evolve from nature, they are certainly not ordinary.
Creating is part of what makes PRESSED paper + print unique.
Let today be the day you take a walk and truly see what is around you. Notice the flowers, the trees, the sounds of the birds. Notice the way the breeze makes the leaves rustle and listen to children’s laughter rise and fall. And then, when you return home, challenge yourself to sit down and be inspired by what you observed. Use what you have in your home and engage your imagination.
Make today the day you create something. Share your results in the comments below. We would love to see your creations!