Gorgeous Handmade Paper - Exquisite Printing - Timeless Designs

A Day in the Life

The fact of the matter is, the life of a creative is a BUSY one (and I wouldn’t have it any other way!) From making paper, to letterpress, to responding to inquiries— there’s much to be done. 

We spent an entire day taking note of what we worked on, and when, to show you a little bit of what goes on behind-the-scenes in paper-making. Check out a day in the life at PRESSED studio:


Morning Coffee

I am definitely a morning person (and also a night person— anyone else in this boat?) and usually wake up around 6:30 a.m. I take a little time to wake up and enjoy my morning coffee to energize and fuel for the day ahead.


Head to the studio.

I usually head out to the studio around 7:30. I love spending time in our studio! I tell John “I’m going to work,” as I head out to the studio. It’s just feet away from the house but still off to work!


Sorting out the day’s schedule.

I begin studio work by checking orders in the queue that are in need of fulfillment. I love mapping out the day’s plan in my Simplified daily planner! This is usually around 7:45, once I get settled in the space.


Preparing for paper-making.

Next, I prepare materials for the day’s paper orders! I get Max fired up and begin breaking down pulp to be colored. This process usually lasts from 8:30 - 9:00, just in time for my paper-making buddies to arrive!


Time to make paper!

Sarah and Jessica arrive and dive right into making paper on Tuesdays and Thursdays! They usually pull sheets from 9:00 - 1:00 (I’m so lucky to have found dedicated papermakers that are also SO fun to work with!!)

While they work on paper, I usually slip upstairs to work on packaging and shipping or marketing, social media, course development to name a few.  Our industrial-sized Epson printing gets put to good use!


Break time!

I’ll step away for coffee with my sweetie, my biggest supporter in the whole world! I’ll also stop for lunch somewhere in the mix. Sometimes, a lovely PRESSED chef meal with the gals or a simple, yummy bowl of Cocoa Puffs (what can I say? I’m Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!)


An afternoon of creativity.

After Sarah and Jessica head out for the day, I’ll transfer the sheets they pulled into the drying boxes. Then, I begin letterpress and foil printing jobs for the day.

Before doing so, I always make sure to oil Millie with one of my adorable vintage oil cans. That’s how she’s 109 years old and still going strong!


All in a day’s work.

I’ll take a break for dinner with John and Presley (our adorable PRESSED pup eats like a queen!). Some nights we’ll catch a movie or TV show before I head back out to the studio to finish up any last projects, whether that’s writing proposals or working with letterpress. There’s always something to be done in the life of a small business owner!


It may sound busy, but I love it— from start to finish. It’s just so fun being creative all day long! We put together a little video to show you just how great it can be. Check it out below:

These are a few of our favorite video highlights:


:08 - :46

  • This is my daily “commute!” I love walking out to the studio, seeing the flowers and cacti in the controlled Texas weather.


  • A look at an artist’s hands! The process can be messy, but so rewarding. Luckily, the studio was made for easy clean-up!

1:35 - 1:40

  • We have visitors! We’re often visited by local wildlife, there’s so much natural inspiration!

1:55 - 2:02

  • Unveiling newly dried sheets from the day before. This is putty from our neutral collection, done in medium weight. I just love seeing our work from the day before!


  • Check out these stacks of pure magic highlighted in the sun’s rays.

2:23 - 2:31

  • Here I am working on business cards for a lovely client. Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming Christmas gift from PRESSED Paper & Print. Hint— it has to do with business cards and printing!


  • Our motto, Press On, done in gold foil on our onyx paper. Such a pretty combination!


  • Finally, the sunset over our large live oak in the backyard. There are so many things to be thankful for!


At the end of the day, each and every day, we’re overwhelmed with gratitude that this is our daily schedule. And it’s all because of you! 


We at PRESSED paper+print are all about family, team, and community. Come join us, we’d love to have you for a day in the life.


creativeprenuerWe hope you enjoyed our day!

Good night,


P.S. What is your ideal “day in the life?” Sound off in the comments!